In response to this on going crisis between Ukraine and Russia,  Biance through its charity arm is donating $10 million USD to major Intergovernmental Organizations and local NGOs on the ground to help provide emergency relief to refugees and children to support logistics on the ground such as food, fuel and supplies for refugees in countries bordering with Ukraine and more. It also has created platform to enable interested parties donate crypto to this cause.

The funds raised will be used in the follow areas

Protect the Children
As part of our ongoing partnership with UNICEF, we are donating towards efforts to protect the welfare of the 7.5 million children in Ukraine. As conflict escalates so will the needs of the children and their families. The funds will go towards medical supplies, providing safe drinking water, social protection and emergency educational resources.

Support Refugees
We’re partnering with UNHCR to provide immediate emergency relief such as food, water, medical supplies and working to improve the living conditions in temporary shelters. International Strategic Action Network (iSans) first set up an organization in Poland in 2020. With their experience in the region, they are well established to restart operations to help welcome Ukrainian refugees. With People in Need (PIN) expertise in supporting refugees that suffer the consequences of war. Having an operation in Slovakia opens up another critical path of exit for people.

Protect the IDP
For some people, leaving their country is not an option, or they have not been able to. The International Rescue Committee reports that over 100,000 Internally Displaced People (IDP) within Ukraine. These people are most at risk of danger, therefore it is critical to provide assistance in-country too. Part of our work with PIN will involve their sister organization in Ukraine that is able to help provide assistance to those who may not be able to leave. UNHCR has been present in Ukraine since 2014, with field operations already operating in six locations countrywide, meaning they can issue emergency resources within country as well as to those who have fled

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