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April 2, 2022
Welcome to Emerging Tech Trends (ETT), focusing on technologies shaping the future.
In this edition,
$100m to fund Blockchain and Crypto Projects, Cypher Capital : Cypher Capital has announced the launch of a $100 million seed funding for blockchain and crypto projects as well as plans to invest in blockchain and crypto projects that have received support from other venture capitalists.
Digital finance tool Wefinz partners with Nordigen : Wefinz, a digital finance and business management tool for SMEs partners Nordigen’s Open Banking solution to improve its cloud-based software, to allows customers to connect their bank accounts directly to the accounting platform.
Berkshire Bank Expands Partnership with FinTech Narmi : Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc. (NYSE: BHLB), parent company of Berkshire Bank expands its partnership with the leading financial technology firm, Narmi, to propel Berkshire Bank to the forefront with an industry-leading digital banking experience for consumers and small businesses.
Unchain Fintech Festival : Unchain Fintech Festival, this year, aims to connect fintech & blockchain global experts to uncover the potential of the Central and Eastern Europe as well as partner in new business ventures, in Oradea on July 13-14.
Google Fintech Innovation Program : To to accelerate Rwanda’s digital transformation, drive inclusive economic development through technology as well as fostering a pan-African innovation ecosystem, the Rwanda government has teamed up with Google, Co-creation Hub, Mojaloop Foundation, to design Fintech Innovation Program, an initiative that will enable early-stage fintech startups and innovators (with at least an MVP) get support through an incubation program worth $10,000, product, market readiness, investment support and other opportunities.
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