1. What is FlashmeCash?

FlashmeCash is the premier mobile banking platform in Nigeria introduced in 2002 after the advent of GSM services. FlashmeCash has since evolved from a mobile funds transfer platform to a robust Electronic Banking platform that provides collection and payment services to corporate clients as well as funds transfer, bill payment and retail purchase services to retail customers.

  • Individual – Your phone number
  • Corporate – An account number is generated and setup on the platform to empower the corporate organization to do bulk payment or collections. A FlashmeCash account is open to both FCMB customers and non-customers

2. How do I sign-on to FlashmeCash?

All you need to do is visit any FCMB branch to complete a FlashmeCash account opening form, attach a passport photograph and show any means of identification.

Also, a new customer is automatically created when “flashed” (funds transfer) by existing customer but they need to visit a branch to complete the registration.

3. Are FlashmeCash subscribers required to have a regular bank account?

No, FlashmeCash subscribers do not require a bank account. Hence, all mobile phone users are our potential customers irrespective of the banks where they have accounts or network operator.

4. What services are available to Individual customers?

  • Transfer funds to a 3rd party or any mobile phone user in Nigeria
  • Purchase airtime at a discount
  • Pay bills e.g. DSTV and GOTV
  • Send Bulk SMS
  • FlashWallet card for use on ATM, POS and Web
  • Payment for goods purchased
  • Multiple payments
  • Flash airtime to 3rd party

5. How can FlashmeCash be accessed?

FlashmeCash can be accessed via SMS on all phone types, Java Mobile app by java enabled phones and Internet. Also, the Flashwallet card can be used on all ATMs, Online and POS.

6. How do I fund my FlashmeCash account?

  • You can fund your account through deposit at any FCMB branch
  • FCMB customers can fund any Mobile phone number through transfer from FCMB Internet banking to FlashmeCash
  • Through fund transfer from other FlashmeCash accounts
  • Funding from other banks – Using Quick Teller.

7. Can existing FCMB customers transfer funds to any mobile phone number in Nigeria without subscribing to FlashmeCash?

Yes, existing FCMB customers can transfer funds to any Mobile phone number in Nigeria through FCMB internet banking

8. What are the transaction charges on FlashmeCash?





20,000 AND BELOW



20,001 – 100,000



100,001 AND ABOVE


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