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October 8, 2022
Welcome to Emerging Tech Trends (ETT), focusing on technologies shaping the future.
In this edition,
Regulatory Sandbox could be panacea to Crypto Regulation in Ghana – BoG : BoG opens Regulatory Sandbox for blockchain innovations to be tested while it finds ways to properly regulate blockchain and its related technologies.
Republicans Ask for DOJ Help in CBDC Fight : 11 Grand Old Party members of the House Committee on Financial Services asked Attorney General Merrick Garland for a copy of the Department’s “assessment of whether legislative changes would be necessary to issue a CBDC”
ING and UniCredit double-down on investment in Axyon AI : Axyon announces completion of new funding round of €1.6 million, which will support its international growth and evolve it’s flagship product, Axyon IRIS®, led by the Fondo Rilancio Startup, managed by CDP Venture Capital SGR, with ING, UniCredit, Geminea and Metes as co-investors.
3rd Cohort Professional Certificate Training in Financial Technology(FinTech) and Innovations : This important training is expected to power FinTech Innovations through knowledge & skills set training scheduled for 9 – 10 November, 2022 at Kofi Annan ICT Centre, Accra-Ghana. To register click here
Absa Young Africa Works Fintech offers US$2.4M Grants : MasterCard Foundation with Absa Young Africa Works (YAWs) project to train and fund 5,000 Ghanaian businesses; aiming to create employments with focus on capacity building and innovative lending solutions with a strong focus on women-led, youth, Fintech and Agric businesses
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