Established in 2019, MASSCHALALENGE for over 10 years has been supporting innovation and entrepreneurs. MassChallenge is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting innovation and entrepreneurship through collaboration and development by bringing together some of the leading teams in corporate innovation, industry knowledge, and government leadership to their promising, high-impact startups.

Startups admitted into MassChallenge go through a 4-month period of curriculum, mentorship, and exhibition events designed to produce avenues of growth, funding, and 3rd-party collaboration. It helps entrepreneurs build the next generation of transformational businesses and connect startups with the resources, partnerships, and communities that help them launch, grow, and scale their businesses. It equips early-stage startups with the tools to disrupt the status quo and create meaningful change and build outcome-driven, tailored partnerships between later-stage startups and enterprises that drive innovation.


Accelerated 2,928 startups, raised $8.6B funds, generated $3.6B revenue and created 186K+ jobs.


MassChallenge uses a competition model to select our startups. Prospective MassChallenge startups submit application(s) for the MassChallenge accelerator program(s) they would like to join. Check application processes and Register.


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